Friday, August 2, 2013

Thank You!

I must honestly be the worst blogger ever!

Well in all honesty it isn’t that I am a bad blogger as much as time just seems to slip past and I forget that I even have one. 

The last few months have been insanely busy and I have barely time to sleep let alone make an attempt at blogging.

BUT that’s neither here nor there …..

I wish I could express fully how grateful I am to have such an amazing team and supporters. SO I have decided to list it instead…apparently I’m good with lists lol…makes things seem so much more permanent
 Devon and My Parents - have been most understanding to my moodiness and manic personality when it comes to being creative. My Mom and Devon assist in crafting and shopping and all around gluing shit to shit. They help pull me back in from all of my mini breakdowns and feed me and tuck me in when I am all cranked out and haven’t slept in days. They never judge or become frustrated with me. They are my strength and my backbone…I love them more than words to begin to express – they are my everything

April - has taken on so much and has been an incredible help to me. Not only as my friend or assistant but as a muse and someone I can bounce my insane ideas off of. I believe she is my creative mind manifested into human form.

Maren and Sam - are incredibly talented makeup artists and hairstylists and are always there when I need them. They support and tackle my crazy ideas and never bat a lash. They go over and beyond for me. Maren has even kept me from dying once or twice….keeps me cool and throws snacks and water my way lol

Cristina - is my amazing jewelry designer and a member of Art Gypsy she creates pieces for my shoots and listens to all of my problems. I know that if I needed anything or if I just needed to talk she’s only one phone call away. She and I have only known each other for a short time and it feels like I have known her my entire life.

Lee - well Lee does Lee type shit….and I am grateful to have him around as well. His craftsmanship has been more than helpful and I am proud to have him not only as my friend but as a member of the art collective.

My Models - new and old thank you for taking the time out to step into my crazy little world….allow me to glue things to you…paint you random colors….take on the cold….the heat…and for everything you do.

My Niece and Nephew and Brother ….I love you …enough said

Chassidy - Thank you for allowing me to take over your house and yard when the time arises you are more helpful then you know I appreciate all of your efforts to make this thing work.

My Friends – Thank you for understanding me and not judging me because my brain never shuts down and I have an insane amount creative vomit that just floods out of my mouth that you may or may not understand…but you still smile and nod. For being there even when you haven’t heard from me in weeks and knowing that I am a workaholic. For checking on me to make sure I’m okay and supporting my dreams.

And last but not least  

My Fans- I am grateful and humbled by your love and support. So much so sometimes it’s overwhelming. When people come up to me in public and know who I am it completely blows my mind. I draw back and have that stupid look you get when you are confused….it kinda looks like my ugly cry face….but we don’t need to discuss that right now lol. So – Thank you a million times over! Not only do I enjoy creating for me…I enjoy creating for you as well. I love the feedback and coming online to see all of the new LIKES images have gotten. I wish I could thank you all personally and get to know you…but I feel I would come off like a creeper…all like “Hey…Hey…yeah you…thanks for liking me…I like you too”

 Soooo I believe that’s it!

Without your love and support I would be nothing more than a crazy person gluing things to things in my basement. You allow me to step outside myself and create new worlds. You inspire me to be better every day. And though I may not know some of you personally – I am grateful for you. 

Create and Be Creative!!

Shine on Always,

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