met an idol of mine (Dessa - a member of the hip hop group Doomtree ) Friday
night. Someone who inspires me, not only
as an artist, but as a business owner and a person. As I got my fan boy on sitting in a back
booth in a cramped corner of a café with the guys she passed by us - smiled said
hello and kept walking. She passed us multiple times before I had the courage (hell
before I could catch her…she was swift and on a mission..she must of passed us
10 times or more) to ask her for a moment. Not only did she stop, we shared french
fries and talked for a bit and snagged a few pictures. I wasn’t as star struck
as I thought I would have been ( most likely because I got it out of my system
when we passed her in traffic – then ended up behind her arriving the same time
at the venue)
ended up speaking to her a few more times – I mean it wasn’t any deep discourse
on art and philosophy - it was just simple and brief conversation along with
snagging a signature or two.
out she’s just as weird as I am and is insanely down to earth. There were no
body guards and she wasn’t dressed up…hair pulled back - a flannel button up-hoop
earrings and sneakers. In that moment she became real. There had to be more than
100 people in the room and she just moved in and out of the crowd completely in
her element. It goes to show that no matter a person’s celebrity there is still
an element of humanity and comfort-ability.
on stage she thanked the crowd. She mentioned that herself and Doomtree
included are their own entity. There is no funding other then what they bring
in-no sponsors- no outside force that pays them or for the things they do. They
produce and do everything themselves. So, without fans they would be nothing,
that the fans are a driving force in their success and that she was grateful we
support them and their dreams.
is much like me, and the guys. Everything we do is done by us, if we want it we
have to make it happen. Rejection and frustration as well as success all
depends on us. We work over 100 hour weeks when shows come along. It’s the question
of “How bad do you want it?” and is it worth the sacrifice. I am grateful to
have my team. We work in fluidity and I
can honestly say they are some of my best friends. It’s good to know we are in
this together, and no matter the outcome we still have each other to hold the
person next to us up.
am also grateful for my fans. LSP wasn’t created for money it was created for
the purpose of …for the lack of a better word…being creative. I wanted to
express myself and I wanted to help others express themselves as well. Once,
someone started to pay me for it I was like “HOLY CRAP REALLY?!”. I never in a
million years would have assumed that would happen.
a few months time I had my first show. I knew I didn’t want some bought off the
shelf framing – that I wanted to stand apart from other photographers. So!
Lucky for me My Devon had a good friend (Lee) who crafted things from wood. A
meeting or two later we became the team we are today.
we have merged our talents into a collective group that we are calling Art
Gypsy. Devon is an amazing illustrator (seriously good). Lee crafts beautiful
things out of wood ( and other
materials). Then there is me – and well I glue shit to shit lol….and take
pictures (along with a long list of all the boring stuff). We are the core of
LSP and Art Gypsy – but we have additional team members who without their help
behind the scenes a lot of things wouldn’t get done as easily. We have become a
little family.
How does this pertain to Dessa? Well, she is the only female member of Doomtree. So
much like her I am in a boys club. Though I am surrounded by models and
beauticians in the end it is just me and the guys. We never forget what is
important. We will never be those people (no matter what may become of us) that
fans or other people in general cannot approach. Our driving force is to create
and inspire. Make a difference, no matter how small.
May 16th LSP will be 2 years old! Even with over 100 shoots – 4 shows
– and numerous publications I am still awestruck and humbled by the love and
support people have shown me and my team.
when I lose steam and get behind on projects – I am still met with love and
understanding, sometimes it’s overwhelming.
I end my rant here I want to thank you.
Without people who believe – support- show up – and purchase pieces (or shoots)
LSP and now Art Gypsy would be nothing. Though I may not name you individually
please know you are ALL deeply appreciated and I couldn’t do this without you.
Please always inspire and create, and never let anyone dull your shine.
on Always,
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Devon - Dessa- Myself |
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