Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Busy Busy!

I must learn that blogs are supposed to be updated…. I have no good excuse except that this has been a whirlwind of a year for LSP and Art Gypsy. I honestly have just been so buried in other things that I have neglected my websites.

So!  I suppose it is time to get on the ball and attempt to do something inspiring….what that might be…I have not the first clue so I will rant on about what has been going on in my little crazy world of creativity.

I am much better at lists lol….so here’s a list of things I am working on.

Bringing Awareness: October 27th is the first annual “Photo shoot to bring awareness to Domestic Violence” hosted by yours truly at Old Mill Park here in Fredericksburg from 2pm-6pm. This is the first charity I have hosted and I must be honest I am a bit nervous that everything will turn out the way it  plays out in my head. 
For more details on this event please go to 
www.Facebook.com/LyricSoullayPhotography and check out the event section. All proceeds go to the No Woman No Cry foundation here in Virginia.

Watch the promotion video here ^_^

The Invisible series: “Invisible is a series that involves nameless volunteers. These amazing people told me their "Invisible" stories. Some are painful and others are about what makes them feel "Invisible" to the world around them. We all go through secret pains and struggles. Know that you are never alone.” I am slowly making my way through this series and learning so much about what makes others feel invisible. I am currently looking for volunteers for this photo project and am tackling situations that most people won’t talk about. For example eating disorders, drug abuse, HIV, Transgender and other taboo struggles…if struggle is the right word I am looking for. We all have a story to tell, and who knows your story may change someone’s life. That’s really the goal of this series. To inspire and to change people’s point of views on the way they view the world. Interested? Please email me at LyricSoullayPhotography@hotmail.com Subject: Invisible and tell me what makes you feel invisible.

Soul Collector
 Mythology / Folklore: I am obsessed with Myths and Folklore! This series really reflects my takes on the stories. I feel without storytelling we forget where we come from. It doesn't matter what culture we come from it’s the stories passed down from generation to generation that keep traditions alive. 

The Fawn



Medusa's Garden

Water Nymphs
River Stix
 To see more from this series go to www.Facebook.com/LyricSoullayPhotography 

Books / Accessories / Memorabilia / Clothing and all that Jazz: I am currently expanding my brand and the Art Gypsy brand. Hopefully by Christmas I will have digests of my artwork available for sale! We are launching an accessory/clothing line soon too. I will also be selling stickers…buttons…posters…key chains…trading cards….and all that fun stuff …as well as a wig collection and hopefully dolls…yeah I said it dolls!!
 For those who don’t know there is available for sale a magazine I have put together for the eclectic artist called “Art Gypsy Magazine” it’s being produced through Magcloud.com so make sure you get your copy!!! Next issue is coming out in January. I am currently excepting submissions for the next issue!! SO please send those in by December 19th!!! ArtGypsyMag@hotmail.com Subject: Issue 4  for more details

Whelp! I think that’s about it for now. I want to thank everyone for their love and support over the last year. I am excited for what the future holds.

Create and Be Creative!

Shine on Always,

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